The Last Garden Board Game

Experience the end of the world in a board game set in an apocalyptic ice age.


The Last Garden Board Game

A Game About The End Of The World

Experience the apocalypse of an ice age and the challenge to survive in this board game designed for three players. The objective of the game is to gather enough tangerines to secure your spot in Plato's Cave, the last remaining warm place in the world. However, beware of the obstacles that await you on your path to safety. Schrödinger's Demons will try to steal your provisions, and other players may compete for the last fresh tangerine. The first player to arrive at Plato's Cave with enough provisions will emerge victorious. Are you ready for the challenge?

Game Figures And Accessories


Frozen Zen Garden

The game is set in a frozen zen garden, the last remaining place where life still persists. The gameboard comprises various features, including a frozen pond (the starting area of the game), a path filled with snow piles and dangers, and Plato's cave, which is the goal field of the game.


Plato's Cave

The goal of this game is to reach Plato's Cave, the last safe haven in an apocalyptic ice-age world. However, to enter the cave, players must gather at least three tangerines. Unfortunately, there is only space for two players inside the cave, and the first player to enter the cave is declared the winner.


Schrödinger's Demon

Beware of the dangers that lurk within this frozen zen garden, particularly the three Schrödinger's Demons that are waiting to pilfer the player's tangerines. These mischievous creatures strike without warning, snatching away the player's fruit and hiding it from view. It's only after they've been caught that they'll reveal their secret hiding place. You never know what you'll find until you peek underneath a Schrödinger's Demon.


Snow Pile

In this frozen Zen garden, heaps of snow cover the last remaining edible food source in the world - tangerines. Players must diligently uncover as many snow piles as possible to locate the scarce fruit.


Frozen Tangerine

In this post-apocalyptic world, the ice age has left all food frozen. However, there is still a glimmer of hope for sustenance: frozen tangerines. The catch is that they're hidden under piles of snow. To enter Plato's cave, players must collect a minimum of three frozen tangerines.


Golden Tangerine

Behold the last fresh tangerine in the world! Wrapped in gold foil, the last fresh tangerine is a real treasure. If a player finds the golden tangerine, they may head straight to Plato's cave, as this tangerine is the golden ticket to the world's last warm safe haven.


Sentient Being

The game features three game figures representing the sole remaining sentient beings in a frozen world, with each player allotted one figure.



To determine the player's move across the game board, two dice are used simultaneously.

The Last Garden

Prototype for a board game about the end of the world, a golden tangerine, and Plato's Cave.

Title: The Last Garden
Dimensions: Variable
Medium: Ceramic (half-porcelain, partially with a gold and platinum finish), wood, charcoal, aluminum gilding
Year: 2019 - present

First exhibited at 365 Cafe Gallery Shibuya, Tokyo, JAPAN

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