Augmented Painting

Abstract paintings on canvas are transformed into animated artworks with the help of augmented reality.


Augmented Painting

Paintings Turn Into Interactive Art

Sonja Kanno utilizes Augmented Reality technologies to bring interactivity and motion to her paintings on canvas. In 2016, the artist developed a mobile app that can be downloaded by the audience on their tablet or smartphone. By pointing their device's camera at the painting, the audience can view an animated layer of the artwork on their screen.

The Secret World of Abstract Botany

With the help of an Augmented Reality app, the plants of a Japanese temple garden emerge on the surface of an abstract painting.

Title: The Secret World of Abstract Botany
Dimensions: Variable
Medium: Oil on canvas, digital photography, augmented reality app, tablet/smartphone
Year: 2017

In collaboration with Hideki Kanno
Minnano Gallery, Tokyo, JAPAN

An Analysis of Atmospheres

With the help of an Augmented Reality app, virtual clouds and pieces of an abstract landscape move over the surface of an abstract painting.

Title: An Analysis of Atmospheres
Dimensions: Variable
Medium: Oil on canvas, digital animation, augmented reality app, tablet/smartphone
Year: 2016

In collaboration with Hideki Kanno
Gallery M. Hua Lang / M畫廊, Taipei, TAIWAN